Monday, December 12, 2005

Terps hoops

Great game last night, and it was nice to welcome #6 Boston College to the league by beating them. I don't think the terps are really clicking yet as well as they can, but last night was the first good feeling I had about the team. I guess beating the 6th rank team can do that. Maryland should have had it sealed before the last 10 seconds of the game, but gave BC a small window. Luckily they couldn't inbound the ball any better than Maryland. Ibekwe also missed two free throws at the end to add to the scare.

In other ACC news, it was somewhat nice (tiny bit) to see Duke trash #2 Texas. I like to see ACC teams beat out of conference opponents, and I think as the season goes on the ACC is showing that it has quite a few good teams. Right now 6 ACC teams are in the top 25, and another recieving votes. That being said, I can't wait to see Duke get their first loss, and hopefully plenty more after that.


At 1:44 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Ahh yes, the Terps can never make anything easy for themselves. Whether it's missed free throws, or throwing an inbounds pass away, they seem to like to give us innocent fans heartburn.

Still, a win is a win. A pretty important win at that.

At 2:56 PM, Blogger Wacky Neighbor said...

I hate Duke. I was absolutely unhappy to see Duke beat Texas and JJ Redick score 41. Argh.

No matter, because JJ will be all tired out come tournament time (and maybe, unlike Texas, someone will guard him).

Plus, a bonus Greg Paulus joke. Greg Paulus plays basketball like he played quarterback in high school - in other words, not on defense.


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