Thursday, November 17, 2005

My blog has fallen under criticism as of late for each post being more useless than the next. Perhaps I'll try to improve, but it's unlikely.

In order to make this a more meaningful post, I direct you to the The Best Baseball Clip Ever. The clip never fails to make me laugh.

The real reason for logging on to blogger for the first time in months is to link to Ad Homonym to improve his value on Blogshares. I'm not sure I'm actually going to help his value at all, since my blog stinks. So in the event anyone is actually reading my post, go to his blog instead since there is content there that is sure to please.

Finally, I was shocked to actually have to edit a line of HTML to change the links on the sidebar of this page. I thought one of the major selling points of hip new web software like blogs and wikis were that you didn't have to edit HTML. However, I was actually somewhat relieved to find that I could edit the code using tags that I learned in the past, instead of new codes that you have to learn for wiki software.


At 11:34 AM, Blogger Chris said...

I'm glad you remember good old fashioned HTML, Dru. Thanks for the link.

I linked you as well, so now you're sure to get lots of traffic. Enjoy!


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