Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Technorati, and discovered backlink

I came across Technorati today, an extremely interesting web site for blogs. The nature of this site is somewhat similar in theory to that I discussed previously. It indexes blogs, and creates tags for them based on content found in blogs and the links between them. One can then look up tags to find out what people are blogging about in just about real time. It does a great job of capturing the essence of the blogging medium, the type of content posted to them, and the type of people that contribute to them.

I looked up my blog profile and found that there was a link to my site other than friend's blogs. Looks like a post was made on symas.console() in reply to my post about Personal information and online tools. It got me wondering as to why there wasn't a trackback feature found on blogging software like Movable Type. Well, turns out that Blogger does have this, called "backlinks" and now I can see when other sites link back to a post here. They are now enabled.

So long story short, check out the post openldap('pim data') and my comments there.


At 3:03 PM, Blogger Chris said...

you're famous!


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