Friday, July 29, 2005

Only one day left of vacation, and unfortunately it's raining. Weather has been great up to now, save perhaps the serious heat wave. It's been a great time, too bad we head home tomorrow. My only complaint is how slow this GPRS connection is!

Friday, July 22, 2005

Well I caved and created a blog. Clearly it's the cool thing to do. I've meant to create one for a couple years now, and I intend to eventually move this over to once I decide on software and get it integrated into Mambo. Of course I don't have much to say, which is the main reason for the delay in blog creation.

I'm leaving on vacation tomorrow to the Outer Banks, NC. This is what prompted me to go ahead and sign up on blogger, so in the unlikely event that I want to post something to the web, I can with ease. Of course email stopped working on my Nokia 3650, so moblogging is right out. The only hope is for T-Mobile internet to work at the beach, and then be able to post from the powerbook.